The Maritime Shipping Industry: A Lucrative Trade Option
The global market revolution that has spread all over the world in the form of globalisation has increased the inflow and outflow of goods to a great extent. The measures to counter this massive economic boom result in increased traffic in all three modes of transport of land, air and water. The waterway out of the lot stands out as the most preferred mode of transport carrying the bulk of this load. The maximum revenue generation, with the economic dependencies of various countries across varying geographical locations and demography, makes it a perfect platform for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).

A shipping industry transports goods through its ships with the help of huge steel enforced metallic containers. The containers are transported throughout the world spanning continents for their ability to withstand the harshest of travels. The containers are also reused over time. This aspect of reusability turns the used containers into a lucrative source of business. The shipping containers, itself turn into a key facilitator of international trade and economic growth. Reusing shipping containers, cut out costs for business houses and even individuals to a great extent. Thus, it is more profitable and worthy of money to lease a container than buy a new one. A container can be reused with essential repairs and paint jobs until it is completely unusable.
The upward curve of the demand graph is pushing the formulation of maritime treaties between countries further cultivating this form of trade.
China as a superpower nation and with an intrusion in the world market to a great extent is showing the way in terms of container leasing business.Pacific Tycoon Container Investments based in Hong Kong is one such container leasing company that promises to achieve returns to investors to up to 12% each year. The company based in Hong Kong is at the very centre of Asian trade. Asia as the biggest continent with the majority of economic giants in the form of nations has a lion’s share of world trade. Hong Kong is the fourth largest port in the world.
The company’s container leasing model chiefly operates via two models. The first being, 12% Fixed Lease Option with an annual fixed rate of return every year.The second being, Maximised Rental Agreement, whereupon containers are leased to shipping companies that require them urgent. A return of over 28% is promised in this model. The capital investment in case of ownership of a container is very much proportionate to the investment in a property. The capital resides in the physical worth of the container that gets rented to external parties. The investors get their rental payment based very much on the revenue generated through the usage of the containers.
A client base of 7200 container owners for Pacific Tycoon, every one of the containers remains insured both on land and sea. Clearly, the company stands out as one of the leaders in this mode of trade.